
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Influencing Others

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I believe that we are all here for a purpose.  I believe that we all have a gift that we are supposed to give the world.  Ironically, I think that the purpose for everyone is the same.  To influence.  Isn't that what this world is about?  Influence?

Advertisers try to influence you to buy a product.  Politicians want to influence you to vote for them.  Charities want to influence you to donate your time, heart and finances to their cause.

Everyday you are faced with decisions to make.  What cereal to buy, what school to send your child to, what neighborhood to purchase your home in, even who to be friends with.  Influence.  Something influences every decision that you make.

So the question is, who are you here to influence?  And what will be your message?  Those are two very important questions to answer.  And questions that you need to decide for yourself.

Great men have influenced an era, a generation, or a country.

Become a fisher of men.  who is a model, a pacesetter; someone who influences others in positive ways according to biblical standards! Modeling Christian virtues, virtues of true spirituality, is crucial to effective ministry in the world

Students, sons, daughters, and the flock, tend to emulate their leaders, parents, guardians, teachers, or heroes. The tendency is for us to shy away from this responsibility and reality, but in order to be truly mature and a leader, one must accept this as a reality of leadership.

We have no choice in being an example of some kind and having an impact on those around us, but we do have a choice in the kind of witness and impact we provide.Someone is going to follow us and be influenced by us. The questions are: Do we know where we are going? Are we providing the kind of example that will enhance their lives, or are we like the blind leading the blind?

Bumper sticker that said "Don't follow me.  I'm lost too."

We need Christian maturity that provides people with real honest-to-God examples of authentic Christ-like living. Effective ministry to others is often equated with such things as dynamic personalities, with talent, giftedness, training, enthusiasm, and with charisma. But these things alone are inadequate

look at the disciples. How would you like to launch a worldwide campaign with the likes of Peter and his compadres? Yet, with these common, average, uneducated men, the Lord launched a campaign that has spanned the globe and turned the world upside down.

Was this because of their unique and imaginative methodology? No! It was because these common men knew the Lord and began to experience His life and His qualities of godliness. He took common men and made them into great men who became spiritual leaders because they were experiencing Him through the power of the Spirit of God.

sometimes what Christian are speaks so loudly that it completely turns people off or puts them in reverse. If our lives are not what they should be, others not only will not want to follow us, they will become repelled by what we are. When a Christian’s life is contrary to what he or she says, it indicates either we are unreal or what we advocate and believe isn’t true and doesn’t work.

Actions speak louder than words.

“Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1)


3:17 Be imitators of me, brothers and sisters, and watch carefully those who are living this way, just as you have us as an example. 3:18 For many live (about whom I often told you, and now say even with tears) as enemies of the cross of Christ.

1 TIMOTHY 4:11-16

Command and teach these things. 4:12 Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity.4:13 Until I come, give attention to the public reading of scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. 4:14 Do not neglect the spiritual gift you have, given to you and confirmed by prophetic words when the elders laid hands on you. 4:15 Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that everyone will see your progress. 4:16 Be conscientious about how you live and what you teach. Persevere in this, because by doing so you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.

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