
Monday, September 22, 2014

Fear & Love

You are in the middle of a war.  Did you even know that?  You are.  And maybe you know it and maybe, well, maybe you just found out half a second ago when you read this.

And this isn't a battle.  This is war.  The war of your life.  

The enemy is strong and large.  They also have a very powerful weapon.  

But luckily for you, but you have the greatest General, an army and the greatest, most powerful weapon of all.

What are these weapons?  Well, the enemy uses fear.  And he projects it constantly onto your life.  Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion.  It can control your life.  It can control your situation.  And it can control the moment 

Fear is a tricky thing.  You can fear an object or an action.  The fear of flying for example or the fear of spiders.  I call this fear's first defense.  These fears are real and can be scary, but they can be overcome.  It's not always easy, but it can be done.  You have heard the saying "Face your fears" to help you to overcome them.  

The second defense that fear has can be tougher.  Fear of an emotion.  What?  Isn't fear an emotion?  Yes, but this fear comes from deep within.  Fear of rejection.  Fear of failure.  Fear of being alone.  These fears are harder to overcome.  These fears cause us to make decisions, choose the people we spend time with, and can impact the decisions of our lives.   And we may not know ourselves well enough to realize the correlation between our choices in life and the fears that we have.  Not knowing what you are fighting against makes it a hard battle to win.

However, a battle does not determine the outcome of the war.  Even if you have been losing the battles against fear, you can always come back and win the war!  You have an amazing weapon on your side!  1 John 4:18 says "There is no fear in love.  Perfect love casts out fear."  

Remember when I said you had a great General on your side?  God is the greatest leader that any of could ever imagine, and then some.  He also has plans written out to help you win this war.  The Bible is full of information on how to defeat fear and to defeat the enemy.  When you defeat your fear and begin to live your life in love and for our Lord you will be truly free.

Let your faith be bigger than your fear.

We've all seen the examples.  Have you seen What Would You Do?  That show leaves me in tears throughout the show.  Sometimes you see people who don't say anything.  I don't think that they keep silent because they don't care.  I think that they are scared.  They don't want to speak up, they might be fearful of what others think or from having attention on themselves.  Some may use the excuse of it doesn't concern them or it isn't any of their business.    Turning our head the other way due to fear when we could be helping someone else isn't something that Jesus would do.  It's not what he would want us to do.  We are all brothers and sisters and we are all in this battle against fear together.  

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