
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Enjoy The Thorns

Our body is a great machine.  It's an amazing work of art that is designed with precision.  When you want your muscles to grow you head to the gym.  You work them.  In order to grow, your muscles need to be stretched and worked.  The same goes for our faith.  In order for it to grow, it needs to be stretched.  You need to work on it.  

Sometimes we get frustrated.  Sometimes things don't happen as quickly as we would like them to.  Patience is a virtue .... and one that is a hard one to have.  But when God is making you wait know that your faith is being stretched.  You are growing.  

Last month I was able to finally pay off my credit card that I've been working so hard to pay off.  I was so excited.  Becoming debt free is a goal of mine!  It was one (big) step closer.  And then, something happened.  An unexpected expense came up and I needed to take care of it right away.  I had to put it back on that credit card.  It seems like there is always something.  We always have something in our life that we can use to work on our faith.  

We need to remember that a time of waiting does not mean that it is a time of doubt.  We need to praise God and remember that God knows better than we do.  He knows not only what is going on right now, but what is yet to come.  We need to remember that all things will work out for our own good in the end.  Just because we are in a time of waiting doesn't mean that God has abandoned us.  It means he is waiting for the perfect timing for our situation.  He is helping us to grow.

Why do we need all of these times of growing?  Look how we behave in times of trial!  Patience isn't just about waiting though.  It's about how you act while you are waiting.  

Just Don't Do It

If you have to hide something don't do it

Get Out Of The Boat

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is from Mathew 14:25-33.  I'm sure you know it!
25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
27 But Jesus immediately said to them: Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.
28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said,why did you doubt?”
32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
I love this story for a few reasons, but let's start at the beginning.  Remember the Bible isn't a make believe story book.  It's a testiment, filled with true stories and testimonies from the people who lived them.  I think sometimes we forget that these people are real.  Real people with real emotions, real fears, real families, and real problems.  The Bible is full of great stories filled with great people.  
 As Jesus walked towards his disciples in the boat, they saw him and cried out in fear.  Fear is a very powerful emotion.  In fact, I believe that it is Satan's most powerful tool.  Fear can cripple a man.  Fear can kill ideas.  Fear distances you from your faith.  
Jesus saw that they were afraid and called out to them.  "Take courage!  It is I.  Do not be afraid!"  Jesus does not want you to be afraid.  He knows that fear can be dangerous and stray us from our path.  He knows that you can not live a free life and be bound by fear.  He calls out to you "Take courage!  It is I.  Do not be afraid!"
Peter called out to him, asking "Lord, is this you?  I want to trust; I want to act, but I am not sure.  Is this the path I should take?"  Put yourself in Peter's shoes.  You see a figure walking on water.  It tells you to do the same.  Do you have enough faith?  Do you trust enough?  Peter got out of his boat and was confident enough, faithful enough and courageous enough to stand on the water and walk towards Jesus.  
Think about that for a second!  How amazing!   Could you imagine? 
Peter was doing it!  He was walking by faith with Jesus.  He was doing the impossible.  But then he saw the wind and his faith waivered.  He begun to be afraid again and started to sink.
God caught him immediately and asked him, "why do you doubt?"  When they got back to the boat the disciples begun to priase him.  He IS the Son of God!  
God wants us to walk by faith.  But he doesn't want us to just walk by faith when the road is smooth.  He will be there for us when things are smooth and when there are hazards standing in our way.  When we begin to doubt - when we turn to fear instead of faith, that is when we begin to sink.  
But God won't abandon you!  If you find yourself sinking call out to God! Stop treading water!  Reach out to God and ask for help!
Peter was bold and reached out to God.  Can you imagine what the other disciples were thinking?  Why didn't they try to get out of the boat and walk towards Jesus?  Their fear held them back.  Instead, they sat and watched Peter walk with God on water. If you think God is giving you an opportunity - sieze it!  Be bold!  Don't sit in the boat and pass by the opportunities that God is sending you.   
It's better to try and to stumble than to live in doubt and miss out on the opportunities God has for you.  He will catch you if you fall.  God wants you to have a glorious life.  It's time to trust God and get out of the boat. 

Monday, September 22, 2014


I know that I've mentioned it before, but I have in my life been known to take the road that is a bit longer, a bit rougher, and a bit well, more complicated.  I've been known to be a little hard headed and I'm pretty sure that the words "I can do it all by myself." have come out of my mouth more than once.  Luckily, I have a merciful God who when I stray from my path, helps to guide me back.  In the long run, he uses my mistakes to help and enrich my life and for me to use to enrich the lives of others.  My God is good.  Even when I am difficult. 

One (of the many) lessons that I wish I could have learned at a younger age was 

Fear & Love

You are in the middle of a war.  Did you even know that?  You are.  And maybe you know it and maybe, well, maybe you just found out half a second ago when you read this.

And this isn't a battle.  This is war.  The war of your life.  

The enemy is strong and large.  They also have a very powerful weapon.  

But luckily for you, but you have the greatest General, an army and the greatest, most powerful weapon of all.

What are these weapons?  Well, the enemy uses fear.  And he projects it constantly onto your life.  Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion.  It can control your life.  It can control your situation.  And it can control the moment 

Fear is a tricky thing.  You can fear an object or an action.  The fear of flying for example or the fear of spiders.  I call this fear's first defense.  These fears are real and can be scary, but they can be overcome.  It's not always easy, but it can be done.  You have heard the saying "Face your fears" to help you to overcome them.  

The second defense that fear has can be tougher.  Fear of an emotion.  What?  Isn't fear an emotion?  Yes, but this fear comes from deep within.  Fear of rejection.  Fear of failure.  Fear of being alone.  These fears are harder to overcome.  These fears cause us to make decisions, choose the people we spend time with, and can impact the decisions of our lives.   And we may not know ourselves well enough to realize the correlation between our choices in life and the fears that we have.  Not knowing what you are fighting against makes it a hard battle to win.

However, a battle does not determine the outcome of the war.  Even if you have been losing the battles against fear, you can always come back and win the war!  You have an amazing weapon on your side!  1 John 4:18 says "There is no fear in love.  Perfect love casts out fear."  

Remember when I said you had a great General on your side?  God is the greatest leader that any of could ever imagine, and then some.  He also has plans written out to help you win this war.  The Bible is full of information on how to defeat fear and to defeat the enemy.  When you defeat your fear and begin to live your life in love and for our Lord you will be truly free.

Let your faith be bigger than your fear.

We've all seen the examples.  Have you seen What Would You Do?  That show leaves me in tears throughout the show.  Sometimes you see people who don't say anything.  I don't think that they keep silent because they don't care.  I think that they are scared.  They don't want to speak up, they might be fearful of what others think or from having attention on themselves.  Some may use the excuse of it doesn't concern them or it isn't any of their business.    Turning our head the other way due to fear when we could be helping someone else isn't something that Jesus would do.  It's not what he would want us to do.  We are all brothers and sisters and we are all in this battle against fear together.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Adventure Begins

If someone were to ask you to describe yourself, would adventurous be a word that you would use?  

Why not? 

You are on an adventure.  It's called life.  And it is the greatest adventure anyone can imagine.  

"Every morning when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand-new hours to live.  What a precious gift!"
Thich Nhat Hanh

I recently came across a really awesome list.  

How To Be an Explorer of the World 

1. Always be looking.  Notice the ground beneath your feet.  

God gave us a big world.  He took a great care in creating everything both big and small.  Take the time to see it.  

2. Everything is interesting.  Look closer.

Our world is full of interesting things.  Once you begin to to see things - look closer!  Everything plays such a critical role and has such specific characteristics.  The Lord took care of each of his creations. 

3. Alter Your Course.  

Do you remember what you thought you wanted to be when you were little?  Did you have a dream to fly to the moon?  Become a teacher?  Be an actor?  What happened?  Did you pursue another passion?  Did your dream change?  

Many times we have plans in our life.  We have a path that we plan to take and a direction we plan to go.  But often, plans change.  Things happen and unforseen circumstances occur.  

But just because your route may be altered, doesn't mean you can't bring it back on track.  

Remember, God has a plan for you.  Sometimes the plan God has for us isn't even something that we are aware of - yet!  If you find yourself veering from your course, remember to take a close look and ask yourself, are you on a path for you or for God?  When you are on a path for God, he will help to keep you on track!

4. Observe.

We can learn something from everyone.  Everyone has something to offer you and you have something to offer them in return.  Don't forget to observe throughout your life and teach others you come into contact with.  The best way to teach is not always with words, but be the example for others to follow.  Show them what you know and teach them how.

Give a man a fish and he has dinner.  Show a man how to fish and ...


Friday, September 19, 2014

Jesus died for you knowing that you may never love him back.

Read that again.

Jesus died for you knowing that you may never love them back.  Such a powerful statement.  That is true love.  He loved every person that was on this Earth and every person that was yet to come so much that he was willing to make that sacrafice.  A sacrifice to die, not just any death, but a grusome death for people who may not even care.

I didn't grow up in the church.  My step-dad's family went to church and when we would visit we would go. I didn't know much about God, except that I believed in him.  I remember I got a Bible for Christmas one year.  I was about 8.  I had it determined in my mind that I was going to memorize it.  I didn't get very far.

On the outside you wouldn't guess that I had a hard life.  And compared to many others in the world, it wasn't.  But to me, it was rough.  I felt unloved.  I felt like others were more important, smarter, and wanted.  It seemed the harder that I tried for approval and love the harder I failed.

Looking back, every bad thing that happened and that I felt ended up serving another purpose.  Each was a part in helping me to become who I am and where I am.  God always had my back.  And even when I messed up, God was there to give me opportunities to fix it, make it right, or to lead me to a new path that was just right for me.

I was not a faithful member of the church.  I had in fact, been to church a handful of times.  I believed in God, I wanted a relationship with him, but I felt totally unworthy.  God could not love someone like me who has made so many mistakes.

But things happened and I began to see the miracles that God had sent; the blessings that God had given me and the second (and third....and possibly the fourth) chances that he had given me.  This love that I had started to experience was new to me.  And honestly, a little hard for me to understand.  I did things I wasn't proud of.  I could hide the past from people, but I couldn't hide it from myself or from God.  And even though I was on a bad path, God continued to bless me.

Why would he do that?  Because he loved me.  He loved me so much and so deeply that that he was willing to love me through the bad.  He knew I had potential.

God 'got to me' by loving me.  Loving me again, again, and again.  He loved me when I didn't even know who he was exactly or what exactly he was about.

Jesus died for me without even knowing if I would ever love him back.  And he didn't go into it loving me just a little to see if I would bite.  He didn't start small.  He loved me with all he had.  And then he did it again.